Does TAD Actively Discourage People from Protesting

by Chandler Crouch

TAD just posted their agenda for this Friday's 9am... Also, TAD just hired a Public Relations firm. 

Here's my takeaway... TAD would rather spend your tax dollars hiring a P.R. firm instead of publically addressing how their Director of Residential Appraisals, Randy Armstrong, used county assets and his position of privilege to make false accusations and attack my professional license. 

The meeting is this 9:00 AM this Friday (8/12/22) at 2500 Handley Ederville Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76118

If you can't make it to this Friday's meeting, but still want to express your concern, I will be emailing out a plan of action to make it easy to make your voice heard.

If you aren't already on my email list and want to receive a copy of the plan of action I put together, join my email list here:


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