Property Tax Bill in Tarrant County

by Chandler Crouch

Click here to view your property tax bill online.

  • Watch the video below to discover...
    • How to reduce your monthly payment
    • How to eliminate your tax burden completely



If you haven't received your property tax bill in the mail yet, you need to find out why.

Taxes are due by Jan 31 whether you received your bill or not. 

  1. Call your mortgage company and see if they received your bill.
  2. Go online search and contact the tax assessor's office

If your taxes are higher than you were expecting, it's likely because the appraisal district proposed a value significantly higher than last year. We may have protested to lower the value from what they proposed, but your taxes may still have gone up if the amount we reduced it to is still more than last year's tax value.

Options if your tax burden is too high

  1. If your monthly payment went up, you likely have an escrow shortage. The mortgage company's default payment plan is 12 months. Call and ask if you can pay it out over a 2-3 year period of time. This is usually an easy 15-minute phone conversation.
  2. Prepare for your protest for next year. Take photos of issues. Get quotes. Save quotes / unpaid invoices to use as evidence in your protest. File them away to save them for your protest next May.
  3. We can help you eliminate your entire tax bill for good... By helping you sell your house. If you can't afford to live there, we want you to call us. Our goal will be to help you find a way to stay in your house, but if you have no other option and you've determined that you must move, we will help in 2 ways.

2 Ways We Can Help if You Must Move

  1. We will help you determine how much you can expect to sell it for. Often times it's more than you think.
  2. We will review 14 options that our team put together for you.

 Call one of our team members today or contact our office directly at 817-381-3800 or


How soon are you looking to buy or sell?*