What can you do about your high taxes?

by Chandler Crouch

Why your property taxes are high and what you can do about it (other than protesting)

Your property taxes do not go to the state but to the local entities such as:

  1. City
  2. County
  3. School
  4. Hospital
  5. College
  6. Other special taxing district depending on County

What can you do about your high taxes?

A. Reduce government spending

About 60% of average property tax goes to the School budget which is divided into two:

  1. Maintenance and Operations Fund- Paying teachers, bills, etc.
  2. Interest and Sinking Fund - payoff debt from school bonds where we all voted for, buying equipment, buildings, etc

When the tax district campaigned for the school bonds in the county to build buildings, instead of explaining everything that comes with it such as maintaining a certain level of tax rates to pay off these debts, they asked the public if we support the teachers and if we do we need to vote yes to the bonds.

Because of this scheme, the public was not given the opportunity to check if these bonds are really necessary at this time or to look for a more efficient way to keep the expenses low but still help schools, teachers, and students as a whole.

They kept asking for bonds for the building then another bond for the air conditioning and many more that caused more and more debt that the taxpayers needed to pay for a longer period of time.

As per our investigation, when you look at financial reports which are publicly available, you will see that Political Action Committees who supported and funded the campaign for the approval of these bonds are the same contractors who got the projects for these buildings which got more payment than what they donated before.

Recapture is an element of the school property tax system.

If the state legislation limits the spending increase to 4%  and everything above that is used to pay the current debts, in 10 years, recapture will be almost entirely gone.

The only way taxes will go down is when the spending of the local government goes down.


B. Show up to the budget meetings and hearings.  

levy/bill = (Value - Exemption) x rate


How the tax rate is being determined

  1. Appraisal values are set - like a wishlist $
  2. Budget Workshops
  3. The proposed budget and tax rate
  4. Public hearings twice - to discuss tax % and budget
  5. Budget and tax rate adopted and implemented


What can the public do to fix this?

  1. The best way is to be involved.
  2. Be an advocate.
  3. Show up.
  4. Be diligent.
  5. Let your voice be heard.
    • Prepare a statement. Ask why is it necessary to spend on each budget etc. Each budget needs to be justified.
    • Attend the workshops and hearings.
    • You can also just show up and wear a sticker on the shirt to show you support a lower tax rate when you attend the hearing.
    • Attend budget workshops or watch the video feed available, get a copy of the proposed budget, analyze it, and see where every money is going. The schedule will be posted on the county's website.
    • Attend the public hearing that happens in September. Anybody can show up and speak up against the proposed budget and tax rate. The schedule will be posted on the county's website.
    • Respectfully reach out to them. You can also email, call, tweet, etc. to let them hear your voice.

C. Pass a new bill to use the surplus budget for property taxes

Last year, the government had a surplus. Make a bill to make the surplus goes to our property taxes.    




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