This is what's behind our residential growth...

by Chandler Crouch

What drives residential real estate growth? There are a lot of things, but one strong catalyst is commercial real estate growth.

I suppose you could get into a chicken or the egg conversation, but one thing is for sure... Commercial real estate growth = job growth, and people follow jobs.

Ahh, Texas... The land of opportunity.

Last year was the best time nationally for commercial real estate in seven years, and Texas was the top market in the country according to a report by the Commercial Real Estate Development Association.

More than 776,000 of Texas' jobs were created or tied to our commercial real estate growth. Texas had the largest direct commercial real estate expenditures last year at almost $42 billion. California is 2nd, but not even close with $13 billion.

Why does all this matter to you?

All of this growth creates demand on real estate which means your property value is going up. With interest rates as low as they are, this is a market where everybody is winning. 

You're in the right place at the right time. With buyers and sellers both winning, if you've ever considered a move, NOW is the time!


Rising interest rates will be a game changer. The window of opportunity will close before you know it.

If you would like to get an idea of how much equity you have, giving us a call.

To get a really rough estimate, feel free to use our instant online home value estimator.


How soon are you looking to buy or sell?*